Monday, November 14, 2005

Don't Let the Turkeys Get You Down

I have always loved Thanksgiving - waking up to the smell of all that good food cooking, watching the parades on TV (yes, I still do that), lots of people doing lots of eating. Ahhhh...

(Insert theme music from The Waltons)

And this year I am so torn between wanting to cook my ass off for appreciative friends and family and wanting to finish this damn book. But I am not getting any younger, the universe seems to have lined up the writing vibes, and there is an actual deadline looming. If I stay on schedule and get the draft finished by the day before T-day, then the editing and rewrites should be finished in plenty of time for Tuesday's mailing.


Hopefully there will be other turkey days and I will not have lost all my friends to this hermiting. If I have, I know a good book I can curl up with while munching my turkey, dressing, and cranberry sauce sandwich.

Heh heh heh

Two days off work and the flu is abating. Woohoo. The NoMo competition has me on somewhat of a roll - keep your fingers and toes crossed and send good writing energy so I can really whip it out before the day job reels me in again on Thursday. My goal is at least 10,000 words in two days.

Good Lord willing and the Oreos go stale (yum!), I'll make it with ease.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just GO, GIRL! Chuck 'em, if they can't take a joke. Remember, there's one happy gobbler cheering you on!!

9:00 PM  

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