Saturday, November 19, 2005

Broken Toes and Other Woes

Whine, whine, whine.

Yes, I broke my toe. I was down in the basement looking for something. I no longer have any memory of what I was looking for, but it doesn't matter anyway. All the weird, unconnected things I find myself doing these days only have one common denominator -- they keep me from writing.

But, that's my pattern. I am proud of the fact that it is altering somewhat and that I am getting a bit more in the discipline groove these days. In fact, I can see real possibilities for this "set goals and sit butt" routine in my future. However, in my present, I am still slugging my way through a lifetime habit of slow starts, fast finishes. I suppose the end result is the same, but as the years go by, the strain on my body increases and the thrill of crisis adrenalin decreases. I'll keep working on that.

In the meantime, counting today, I have 10 (YIKES!!) days to finish draft, revise entire book, and update synopsis AGAIN to coordinate with all the changes my characters have been making to my story. They stole my story. Heh heh heh -- my apologies for lifting that line from Stephen King and Secret Window; it comes in handy for a multitude of sins.

Ten days. And I still have to work the day-job on 3 of them. Last day to ship manuscript is Tuesday, November 29. My heart is beating faster already. I can do this. I may not survive it, but I can do it. Oh hell, of course, I'll survive it. Why am I so sure?

Because there is a collaboration in my future... as well as a week long sugar high.

Life is good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let the turkeys get you down......or the broken toes.....or the flu....just think what a celebration you will have at Christmas! Keep on truckin'!!! I'm thinking of you!!

11:02 AM  

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