Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Down to the Wire

Okay. So, if there is any hope of getting all the revisions done in time for Tuesday's mailing, I have to finish the complete draft today! By midnight. So I can get some sleep and be ready to start re-writing and cleaning up the strange inconsistencies on Friday -- Thursday being a day of cooking, eating, and cleaning (also known as emptying the overloaded brain).

I am into the next to last chapter and it is pretty straight forward, but very legal which is slowing me down. The last chapter should be a breeze since it has been written in my head for a year and a half. I am forcing myself to actually write it last, like savoring your dessert after a LOOONNNNGGGG, heavy meal. Burp.

The other night at work, I was eating in the sloproom -- er, breakroom, when I overheard another employee telling someone he had taken off 10 days just to write. He spoke of writing, sleeping, eating at whatever times suited him. Then he said he wished some publisher would love his book, because he wanted to live that way all the time. I know what he means...

Send me kudos, wish me luck, pray to your assorted gods, but do whatever you know how to do to help me over this hurdle. Your little comments mean more than you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Writing is a hard job.......and needs a little humor along the way to make it happen. So picture this: A tired (i.e. exhausted) 60-year-old daughter in the kitchen with her mother, an Alzheimer's patient, trying to fix Thanksgiving dinner....the mother refusing any help but whining the whole time that she can't remember the recipes (which the daughter does).....picture lemon pie without lemons (we had that once before), canned turkey broth but no turkey because the mother cooked the frozen cooked turkey for today's lunch even though the daughter had laid out fixin's for sandwiches, congealed lime salad that has curdled for some reason, dressing in the works (but again without a turkey)......and it goes on and on.....

You'll make it.....but why put yourself through the nightmares of cooking all day? Why not let someone else cook for a change?????

2:57 PM  
Blogger jessica gaither vandett said...

Yeah, good point, Nancy...why ARE we cooking? Boston Market take-out would have been fine with me. Maybe Yankee Candle makes a candle that smells like turkey cooking. I'd be fine with that. Just give me a bottle of good wine and some takeout and I'll be good to go. But I know Pete...she has to do it the Waltons way or no way!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Just write, write, write!!! The only way to get what you want is to go after it - ships do not come in, so jump in and start swimming!!! Stop emailing people that you hate your book and go finish it - IT'S GREAT!! EVERYBODY LOVES IT!!! YOU ARE A WRITER!!! SO STOP BEING A PU**Y!!!!! Embrace your power!!!

You only 525, 600 minutes. Quit wasting them.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have all the prayers, chants, meditations, oms, and inspirations I can muster; and, you don't need any of them!! YOU ARE A BRILLIANT WRITER! YOU HAVE A DAMN FINE BOOK ALMOST FINISHED, SO JUST DO IT! Remember: there's a collaboration waiting!

4:54 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

Okay, so now this has been compared to the last miles of a marathon -- the point at which a runner feels like a wall has been hit. Apparently one former marathoner received the admonition that she had not come this far to have to stop and use the bathroom, that she should just pee her pants and keep running.

As a person currently drunk on Oreos, peeing my pants sound much more interesting than finishing the book.


5:05 PM  
Blogger jessica gaither vandett said...

Oh get over yourself, it's Thanksgiving and we all have better things to do then come to your pity party. Fine. Don't finish it. Sit there with your Oreos and Coke and drown your sorrows. Prove right all the bastards in the world that said you couldn't do it. Go ahead. Fine. Blah blah blah. At least SHUT UP.

Wimp. Wuss. Chicken. Non-embracer of power. Quitter. Weenie. Pansy. Candy-ass. QUITTER QUITTER QUITTER.

Now. Remove my tiny, dwarf-like foot from your whiny ass and get back to work.


5:14 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

Bite me.

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's this about collaboration? I've seen Janet comment on it twice...and while you have NOT BOTHERED to share any of your book with me, I am sure that Janet is right that it's a great one....and I know you are a brilliant writer! So I'm beginning to agree with Jessica.....whine and moan one last time, take a good gulp of the sugar stuff, and get movin'! Scale the wall!!!!!!!

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porgy sings in "Porgy and Bess" that "it takes a long road to get there." You're almost at the end of this first jam the accelerator to the floor and go for it! You're not going to run out of gas....but you can't sit on the brakes! Happy Thanksgiving!

10:09 AM  

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